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Countdown is working in 25 countries to generate evidence and strengthen the country teams' analytical capacity related to the measurement of progress and performance of RMNCAH+N programs. The focus is to inform annual and midterm reviews of the countries’ five-year plans and Global Financing Facility (GFF) investment cases. Country collaborations involve Countdown academic global and regional institutions and national academic and public health institutions, working in close collaboration with ministries of health and GFF, as well as statistical offices and United Nations partners.

Most countries have already prepared a GFF investment case which is often fully integrated with the national plan for RMNCAH+N. The latter usually runs over a period of five years and includes a monitoring component with a set of core indicators and targets which are reviewed at annual meetings. The GFF investment case may have additional RMNCAH+N indicators.

Country monitoring plans generally include a set of indicators with targets for key RMNCAH+N program areas and intend to conduct annual and midterm reviews, although the frequency of these reviews varies among countries. The reviews have a data component and a qualitative assessment in which information is collected through interviews with key informants at all levels of the health system.

Countdown's role is to support rigorous analysis of existing data from all relevant data sources to obtain a picture of the program's progress and performance. This may involve in-depth analyses to obtain answers on specific subject areas relevant to the national plan and investment case and will go well beyond the core set of indicators of the national plans. In some countries, the RMNCAH+N reviews take place within the overall health sector reviews, with a focus on primary health care and universal health care UHC.

Country teams produce midterm or final reports to inform progress and performance of the country's RMNCAH+N plan and investment case. Along with the reports, teams develop a set of products and events to communicate and disseminate results as well as a peer-review publications.

Learn more about GFF.